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Among other things, national team matches are also distinguished by a wide range of opponents. That is, a statistically average..

Date added: 11/06/2024

FREE preview of EPL CORNERS stats. Free tips on corners

12/10/2016 14277

This season in English Premier League must be super-interesting because six or seven FCs will fight for the title – such a thing is only in EPLand that’s why to watch out the competition is pleasure. Will be good cooperation with Mourinho and Ibrahimovic at Manchester United? Сan Conte return Chelsea to the highest level? Will Guardiola use his famous tick-taka at Manchester Citi? Whether Wenger will lead Arsenal to the trophy this season? Will Leicester led by Ranieri hold occupied positions? Will Klopp use his favorite over attacking football at Liverpool? Will Tottenham cause fight between long-term leaders of Premier League? There are lots of intriguing questions and we will know the answers only in the next spring.

And now let’s look at the table concerning corners after seven weeks. Who is a leader? Who is an outsider? Which clubs are worth betting to win money and which are not?

October break due to national teams matches is the best time to recall to memory how teams started the championship. Duration of seven weeks is not little and tendencies are very prone to repeat. So, which clubs won more the other ones on corners?

It is expectable to place to the number of leaders favorites of the tournament – Arsenal and Chelsea (6 wins in 7 matches every) and also Tottenham and MU (5 wins every). It’s surprisingly to see among leaders Bournemouth, which has analogical indicators as Tottenham and Manchester United. But if to look at the table below on results of last season we will see: 


Despite Bournemouth is on 15th summary place in EPL table, it is the forth on corners even ahead of MS, Arsenal, Chelsea and Leicester – the champion of Premier League. And besides, Bournemouth half of its defeats on corners (if to be accurate – 6) was defeated by much higher levels teams as MU (twice), Tottenham, Chelsea, Arsenal and Leicester. As we see, tendency is going to continue in this season that’s why it’s a good idea to look at bets on Bournemouth win on corners in matches not against top-clubs.


So, let’s move from leaders to outsiders: 


There are no lots of surprises also – teams from below part of the table more often than others lost matches on corners. There is kind of sudden to see here Leicester – the champion of last season. Although let’s look at summary table of last season:

Unexpectedly, but Leicester lost majority of matches on corners even in really lucky for itself season. Leicester players overcame its neighbors on quantity of wins on corners (16 VS 9-11) however 21 defeats for leader is quite enough. There are little changes in the rest. Watford is an outsider like at last season so you can bet on opponent’s win without any doubts.


Obviously, the result of a match on corners depends on 2 factors – how many corners a team takes and how many corners let take to rivals.

Let us look who is among leaders of the tournament on the first indicator:


Leaders on number of wins on corners were noted also here: Tottenham, Chelsea and MU are ones of the leaders on individual total corners too. Liverpool also takes place above the table – the team was the best on this indicator last season. Regard to Crystal Palace is seemed to be that the team which jump over its head because at the moment “eagles” take  on average approximately more than 1 corner than in the season of 2015-16. Thus, it is more perspective to bet on individual total of Liverpool than on win of “red” (despite they must approach to leaders on quantity of wins). 


         What teams are expected to see among losers on corners?

It was hard to be mistaken here – there are Watford, Swansea and Hull. Herewith first two clubs took analogical places in lower top-five in last season. The tendency is saved that’s why you can try to bet on individual total under at the matches with their participation.

Have found out who takes the biggest quantity of corners let’s move to the teams which let opponents take corners the most seldom:

There are not any special sensations – among leaders are Arsenal, MU, Chelsea and also Southampton. The only thing is unusual is that the teams allow opponents to get such as little quantity of corners. Look at how the best teams looked like on this indicator according to the results of last season:

Currently, Arsenal overcomes on 1.5 corners MU which was the best team of last year on this indicator. Should be admitted that Arsenal improved own results on 2.5 corners. Chelsea plays better now than it was last year on average on 2 missed corners per match and Southampton on 1.5 in accordance. Only MU roughly stayed on the same positions, they just have reduced quantity of corners close to its gates on average on 0.5. I think that indicators will be approximately equal to last-year ones to the end of the season. And precisely, the number 2.14 of “missed” corners will increase to 4 or even 5 at Arsenal.

We have analyzed the best teams so let’s move to the teams which let rivals take corners most often: 

If to take a look at the table there are minimum 2 surprises.  Firstly, Stoke City is a leader on this indicator – approximately 9 corners taken by opponents per match. This indicator is catastrophical. Wattford is the worst club on results of last season on missed corners because the team let opponents take corners on average 6.5 times per a match. You may ask where is Wattford in this year table? “Hornets” are placed in the middle of the table on this indicator letting opponents take on average 5 corners. Indicators of Burnley and especially Stock City will decline that’s why it is very sensible to bet on individual total of their opponents if it will be raised.

From partial let’s go to general. Let’s look in which team matches were taken most corners.

And immediately, for clarity, let’s look how things were in last season:

We see that right 6 teams had average total approximately 11.5 corners per a match. For example, Stoke is today 14.29, Crystal Palace is 13 and Tottenham is 12.43 what is quite a lot. Overestimated total of Stoke is explained with big number of opponent corners (this indicator will decline).Crystal Palace has taken 6.5 corners per a game and usually opponents take the same quantity in a match, but there were near 5.5 in last season. And Tottenham covers its last year norm taking on average roughly 8 per a match with average quantity 6.5 in last season (this indicator is going to decline).

There is an interesting thing among the teams in whose matches are taken very little corners:

As we see, Southampton and Arsenal are leaders on this indicator. I have partially explained the causes of this low total in matches of the gunners (small quantity of corner opponents) and Southampton’s situation is much more interesting. Till now the saints have taken and missed on 27 corners. This is on average 3.86 corners per a match. These indicators are dramatically low and undoubtedly will grow up. Should be noticed that Swansea has minimum average total corners per match at the results of last season and it was approximately 9.5 corners. Thus we can see that teams from the table showed above have huge reserve in this direction. For example, there were taken on average little more 10.5 corners in matches of Arsenal and Watford in last season and in matches of Southampton and West Ham is approximately 11in accordance.

Having analyzed current state of affairs in this season and having compared it with the previous one we revealed some tendencies and tried to forecast how deals of some teams are going to be in further. We hope that our review was useful for you. 

See also Russian Premier League review

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